info from occupied Iraq

Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator



It will remain one of the great ironies in military history that Iraq, under the demand of the UN weapons inspectors, was forced to publicly destroy--right on television--its own medium-range conventional missiles right up until the evening of March 19, when the country came under a destructive rain of terror from U.S. cruise missiles and bombs.


THE GREEN PARTY, THE SECOND PARTY: Kathy Kelly "The Republican and Democratic positions on foreign policy are so similar, their obeisance to major corporate goals and control are so similar that I don't really see a two party system functioning adequately so I kind of see the Green Party as a second party.  I wouldn't let anybody bully anybody into thinking that oh well your just casting your vote toward McCain."  Kathy and a group of folks have been walking for peace and against the two party status quo of war on terror from Chicago to St. Paul Minnesota throughout August to end up at the RNC.  We met up with the group in Milwaukee and asked a few questions related to the Presidential Election and War in Iraq. 10min youtube link play youtube video

KILL EVERYBODY: American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq
"I joined in '03," 'cause I was broke, I needed money, but I was a young American kid, I wanted to fight in a war. I joined up. [A] month out of training I arrived in Baghdad, Iraq, January '04. Saddam's been captured. And I get there and the guys I'm serving with have been there for six months already; they were there in '03. And I go, "Well, you know what, I think it's come out that, you know, these people had nothing to do with 9/11, there was no Iraqi on those planes. We can see around here there's no Al Qaida, there's no terrorist syndicates in Baghdad, or Iraq. Saddam had stamped 'em out." And I asked my buddies, "Well, you know, we're here to find 'weapons of mass destruction'." And they laughed at me. And I said, "Well, you know, we're here to 'help the people.'" And they laughed at me. And I said, "What's our mission? What's our goal?"...They're like, "All we're trying to do is make it home alive..." Anderson describes the escalation of violence against unarmed civilians: "In April, they told us, "In a crowded area, if one person shoots at you, kill everybody." Anderson explains the rationale from the officers, "They [members of the crowd of people] are letting them [the person or persons firing at the U.S. military] attack you. They're no longer innocent if they're there at the time of the crime..." (9/11 conference, Chandler AZ Feb 23-25, 2007) 911TV.org - snowshoefilms post-production. (more)
 9:46min forum discussion - youtube link - 16megquicktime, 15megwinmedia 5meg quicktime and 7.5meg winmedia links:
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IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT (The case against Bush & Cheney): Peter Phillips, Project Censored - Sociologist Peter Phillips: “They seek nothing less than the total military domination of the world …We can’t let them ride out for the next two years. To allow this administration to ride out, without impeachment is to sanction a lying, treasonous presidency and set precedents for future presidents to ignore Congress and the will of the people. So we’ve got to chose to defend our Constitution, ourselves…and to say no to that presidency…we’ve got to get them both out.” The director of Project Censored, Sonoma State, Phillips observes, “Look who the corporate media is today. The beneficiaries of 9/11 – the biggest beneficiaries have been Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, the Carlyle Group, Boeing, Halliburton, the military industrial contractors, each of those have had 300 to 400 percent increase in their stock value in the last five years, and when we look at those groups and the memberships of their boards, Carlyle has someone sitting on the New York Times board, Bechtel sits on NBC, Boeing sits on ABC, Halliburton sits on ABC, Lockheed Martin sits on Gannett. They’re interconnected.” 9/11 Accountability Conference, Chandler AZ Feb 23-25, 2007 (911TV.org) snowshoefilms post production. see also www.projectcensored.org 
forum discussion
- 23megquicktime, 13meg quicktime and 19meg winmedia links:
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GOODBYE AMERICA, HELLO NAZI GERMANY? (Are you an enemy combatant?)
The Military Commissions Act and the Warner Defense Act, signed into law October, 2006 give G.W. Bush and his successors full police state powers, doing away with the Constitution, trashing habeas corpus and retroactively absolving torturers of their crimes. Anyone can be declared an “unlawful enemy combatant” and dispatched by a military commission. The definition of ‘enemy combatant’ is “extremely broad and arbitrary.” This video leaflet uses text from the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Bill of Rights Defense Ctte, the ACLU, and Amnesty International. 7 min.
see also - news from the JURIST , More Details - May 9 New Presidential Directive
youtube video link
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 graphic thanks to

WAR RESISTERS SUPPORT CAMPAIGN: Toronto, March 17, 2007. Part of the 4th anniversary anti-Iraq/Afghanistan march and rally at the U.S. embassy, war resisters and supporters first gathered at the United Steel Workers hall to hear from resisters Jeremy Hinsman et al. Among those speaking: Michelle Robidoux, Phil McDowell, Patrick Hart, Rolf Gerstenberger, Lee Zaslofsky, Carolyn Egan and Tom Riley. see also www.resisters.ca
28min - 57megwinmedia, 46megquicktime, 22meg quicktime, 18meg winmedia files below
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O CANADA! GIVE DR. SAMI AL-ARIAN ASYLUM “He’s a peaceful man. He’s a man of dignity and honour…He will be a great asset to Canada,” states Zafar Bangash, March 17, 2007, Toronto. Prof. Al-Arian, a political prisoner in the U.S. since his arrest February 20, 2003, was last year acquitted of trumped up charges and yet remains in prison. Zafar Bangash, a Canadian, observes, “He is a stateless person, and he’s being held in the U.S. illegally…Sami was singled out for the simple reason that he supports the rights of the Palestinian people…but unfortunately in the U.S. there is a very strong Zionist lobby that targets anybody who exposes the crimes of the Zionist regime or who speaks in favor of the Palestinian people.” On Jan. 22, 2007, Prof. Al-Arian went on a hunger strike. - 4 min.
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Media Reform Conference, Jan 14, 2007, Memphis Tennessee "How many people have heard the name Abeer Qassim Al-Janami?" Fonda asked journalists. Almost no one had. She described the short life of the 14 year old girl living in the south of Baghdad until March 12, 2006 when she was killed after being brutalized by American forces. It is up to us, to tell the stories suppressed by the mainstream media. Jane Fonda describes the progress and struggles of women in the media during the American-led genocide on Iraq. 28min- 56megwinmedia, 22megquicktime, 12meg quicktime, 13meg winmedia files below
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The Backbone Campaign showed up at the National Conference for Media Reform in Memphis. Bill Moyer had planned a street action but no media from the conference showed up, except for one camera...here are the results of the group's efforts. Thanks to Vets for Peace and www.shadowvote.org's Leonard Schmiege among others. see also www.backbonecampaign.org 8min
youtube video link - mpeg4 18meg, 5.9meg quicktime, 3.7meg winmedia files below
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WILL WILLIAMS: A VETERAN FOR PEACE The only way out of Mississippi for Will Williams was the U.S. Army. He joined in 1962, served 2 tours of duty in Vietnam, then realized his hatred for his and his peoples’ oppressors in central Mississippi had been transferred onto the Vietnamese; he had been an easy mind control victim, used to kill Vietnamese. In his talk, Williams demystifies the euphemisms and acronyms (IED, PDD, CVS, TBI) that hide the ongoing genocide of Iraqis, the treachery being visited on the American soldiers, and the privatization of the military via mercenary corporations. A Madison-based VFP member, Williams spoke at the Milwaukee Veterans For Peace-sponsored rally, Jan. 26, 2007 (transcript) 18min- 37megwinmedia, 14megquicktime, 8meg quicktime, 9meg winmedia files below
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Peace Action staged a die-in Jan 2, 2007 to protest the war at the turning point of 3000 U.S. casualties, speakers include Julie Enslow, George Martin, Veterans for Peace and Students Against the War. Peace Action also put the call out to mobilize on Washington Jan 27th or come to City Hall in Milwaukee Friday the 26th at 5pm in solidarity with those going to Washington, end also includes a comment on the Military Commissions Act. see also www.peaceactionwi.org
google video link
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Over 1500 people gathered to hear Cindy Sheehan speak at a rally called by Peace Action Wisconsin and Milwaukee Veterans for Peace. Cindy spoke about the need to hold elected officials accountable and the urgent need for a real second party in America.
8min- 20megwinmedia, 45megquicktime, 4.7meg winmedia below
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HUMMERMAN IN NEW YORK CITY  April 29, 2006 Anti-war march  Close to a half million protested the Bush administration-led wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, America and the rest of the world (with the possible exception of Israel).  Who cares if a million people show up in NYC if the media doesn’t cover it (even if the marchers represent 70 percent of the population)?  Among the pissed off protestors, there was Hummerman who walked the route exposing his Hummer, a symbol of social atavism, unresolved sexual conflicts, arrogance, political corruption, American imperialism, mass murder. (Song by David Rovics filmed in Toledo, Ohio, April 19, 2006): Hummer. www.davidrovics.com 
3minutes, 5meg quicktime file 5meg winmedia file

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FREDONIA NY - SHOCK AND AWFUL ANNIVERSARY In the college town of Fredonia, NY, Feb. 23, 2003, before the war, nearly 100 publicly said no to Bush's lies and plans for illegally invading Iraq. On March 16, 2003, there were 75. By the 3rd anniversary of the HOLOCAUST ON IRAQ, the number has dropped to 60 (see Resisting War). But we hear from professors Jack Berkley, Tom Morrissey and David Swift. And enraged and insightful poetry and comment from Marie O'Rourke, Judi Luntz-Woods, Sarah Clayton and Diane Clark. And song from the just-formed Raging Grannies group; drums and guitar from Greg Forsgren and Bill Moran. But it is mother and grandmother Rose Marie-Musacchio who reminds us, speaking of our fearful leader, "The man is nuts!" (link). Special thanks to Ducko on camera 1.  Mar18, 2006. 16 minutes, 13meg quicktime file 10meg winmedia file - higher quality vids at Archive.org
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CANADIANS SAY WAR RESISTERS WELCOME HERE (March 18, 2006, Toronto) Thousands rally to mark the 3'rd anniversary of the US’ genocidal war on Iraq. Among those featured: US Army Sgt. Patrick Hart, a war resister now living in Toronto: “The truth is out...Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11." Jeffry House, Toronto-based war resisters attorney: “When a war violates international law, soldiers should be allowed to seek and obtain refuge from that war.” Sid Lacombe, coordinator of the 140-group coalition Canadian Alliance for Peace: “A large community across Canada supports war resisters in their effort to seek asylum from militarism.” Ron Walther, a deserter from the Vietnam War and member of Resisters Support Campaign: "Resisters can expect housing, legal aid, and employment."  www.resisters.ca
15 minutes, 7.5meg quicktime file 6.1meg winmedia file other quality vids at Archive.org
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A WISCONSIN SHOCK AND AWE ANNIVERSARY: March 18 2006 The Sheboygan Peaceseekers, Veterans for Peace and Between the Lakes Green Party worked on events to bring attention to the third anniversary of the War on Iraq. They erected "Walls of Remembrance" and placed the names of U.S. casualties on it while posting images of Iraqi dead nearby. After the wall event the groups gathered at a peace concert featuring Jason Moon, a veteran of the Iraq War.  Songs by Jason Moon, Thacia Northy and Hot Canary in order of appearance.
8 minutes, 5.5meg quicktime file 4.3meg winmedia file other quality vids at Archive.org
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TEDD WEYMAN: THE NUCLEAR WAR ON IRAQ Deputy Director of the Uranium Medical Research Centre, working with Dr. Asaf Durakovic, Tedd Weyman organized and led field studies in Afghanistan and Iraq to measure and analyze uranium contamination of radiotoxic and chemotoxic heavy metals ('depleted uranium,' etc.) from battlefield weapons. The use of uranium in non fissile-penetrating weapons and bunker busters are effectively nuclear weapons, Weyman reports. It is known world wide, he says, that DU weapons have long-term implications that, right now corporations and governments are hiding. But Weyman cautions, "If you don’t have a moral objection [to using DU on another nation], you might have a pragmatic objection which might be the liabilities that a nation faces for permanently contaminating another nation’s environment...Uranium contamination in Iraq will last for millions of years. So the liabilities are very significant when you have every nation that was on the receiving end and every soldier on the sending end contaminated." Weyman spoke in Rochester, June 26, 2005 at an event hosted by a coalition of Rochester peace groups. transcript Special thanks to Jim Barlow. (part 1: interview.)22 minutes, 17meg quicktime file 13meg winmedia file - thanks to Archive.org
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MICHAEL PARENTI: THE GOAL IS THE THIRD-WORLDIZATION OF EVERYWHERE (& BLOWBACK) “One of the nation’s leading progressive analysts, an internationally known author and lecturer,” Parenti’s lecture (U. of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, Oct. 19, 2005) explicates imperialism, comparing Roman, British and our own grotesque neo-imperialism: ‘kill, conquer, pillage…plunder resources, exploit cheap labor, slave labor…new markets, enormously profitable for the ruling classes and comprador classes (the puppet governments they set up)…Americans are unexceptional in thinking they are exceptional…they are exploited through their patriotism, and through fear.’ Parenti references PNAC’s blatant conspiracy to invade Iraq, then veers off into the “progressive” metaphor to explain 9-11: blowback.
58 minutes, 26meg quicktime file 17meg winmedia file - thanks to Archive.org

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"In the determination of any criminal charge ... everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law."  -International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Article 14(1)
   The complete demonization of Saddam Hussein threatens to determine every decision and action affecting not only his future but that of Iraq as well. With U.S. mass media and U.S. government propaganda stripping Saddam Hussein of every redeeming human quality, any act against him or Iraq is ipso facto justified. (read article here)
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GEORGE GALLOWAY: A PROPOSITION I REFUSE TO ACCEPT Expelled from the British Labour Party over his opposition to the “obscene war” on Afghanistan and Iraq, Galloway formed an anti-war party and was re-elected by the people of Scotland who agreed with him. From his experience in watching people with power in Parliament and elsewhere, Galloway reveals: "The rich and powerful people who rule our world along with their erstwhile partners, the neo-cons, the fundamentalist Christians, and the Zionists, believe that the blood of some people is more valuable than the blood of others, and that’s a proposition I refuse to accept. ” Galloway enumerates with searing rage the heinous crimes against the people of the Middle East (and the rest of the empire) by Britain, the US and Israel. (But Galloway contributes to the blowback metaphor, the basis of George Bush’s “war on terror.” Blowback is the collective cognitive imperative that 9-11 was not an inside job, but the unintended consequence of the CIA’s use of the Al Qaida in Afghanistan). As part of the Mr. Galloway Goes to Washington book tour, Galloway spoke in Madison, Wisconsin Sept. 18, 2005.
49min 38meg quicktime file 31meg winmedia file - thanks to MadisonIMC
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MICHAEL I. NIMAN: WAR PROPAGANDA AND THE LANGUAGE OF FASCISM “If you look at most of the rhetoric about the war, it’s really an appeal to emotions, not reason," Prof. Niman tells his Chautauqua audience. "Because if we operated with reason, if we’re thinking about reason, then suddenly people have memory. ‘Wait a second,’ right? This is about weapons of mass destruction, about an immediate threat to the United States, had nothing to do with liberating Iraq…It’s all an appeal to emotion. This is the language of fascism. Language that appeals to our emotions, as opposed to appealing to our reason…Good propaganda has to attach their message to our values. We value freedom, so this becomes /*Operation Iraqi Freedom…* /Our media is censored. Is the government censoring it? No. It’s self-censorship.”(Prof Niman, Buffalo State College, spoke at Chautauqua Institution’s Hall of Philosophy Aug. 16, 2005. Event sponsor: the Chautauqua Society for Peace and Social Justice. 60 min.)
30 minutes each, PART ONE 13meg quicktime file 8.8meg winmedia file - thanks to Archive.org

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PART TWO 13meg quicktime file 8.9meg winmedia file
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2004 - THE UNDER-REPORTED STORIES: MICHAEL NIMAN A recipient of Project Censored award (2003), Prof. Niman outlines some of last year’s top ignored stories, including global warming, media self-censorship, our “endemically corrupt government, at every level,” the ‘Lackawanna 6’ and the assassination of Kamal Derwish, the theft of the 2004 election (Ohio & elsewhere), transcending the left-right paradigm via Constitutionalism, the use of fear (fear of ‘conspiracy,’ e.g.), to prevent critical thinking; manufacturing terrorism, nuclear proliferation and the devastation of Fallujah, and Iraq.
(Niman, a columnist for ArtVoice, teaches journalism at Buffalo State College). Part 1 of 2. related article: Falluja City of Ghosts - Truthout.org
28 min. 7.8meg winmedia file - thanks to NYCIMC quicktime file 11megs
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Prof. Niman continues an impromptu survey which touches on some the top stories and concerns of last year (and this), including Alberto Gonzales, “peak oil,” the debt crisis, alternative media and orchestrated capitulation by the Democratic Party: “I’ve seen nothing in the last generation from Democrats but their willing ability to roll over and play dead.  A week after the election at the dedication of Bill Clinton’s library…Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter [were] reaching out and praising George Bush Junior and Senior. And of course, the Bushes were praising Clinton and Carter and they were all talking about the need to come together harmoniously as one nation. And, you know, this is what the Democrats have always done. This is not the time for harmony and acquiescence to a draconian, anti-American agenda that threatens to undermine our nation’s very ability to survive… This is a time for the nation to be divided, and to be loudly divided…” Part 2 of 2. www.mediastudy.com 
19 min. 8.3meg quicktime file - thanks to IMC
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BEFORE ONE MORE MOTHER’S CHILD IS LOST: VIGIL FOR CINDY SHEEHAN (Meadville, PA) On August 17, 2005, over 1,627 groups responded to MoveOn’s call to support Cindy Sheehan and the movement she’s spearheaded. In this video, we hear from some 17 of the over 100 who spent an hour in public protest and support. Organized by Women in Black.
15min 10meg quicktime file 8meg winmedia file - thanks to archive.org
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GEORGE GALLOWAY: I come not as the accused, but as the accuser. British Member of Parliament Galloway rips stunned neo-cons (May 17, 2005). MP Galloway, who played a part in helping sanctions-starved Iraqis with the UN oil-for-food program, rejected charges against him at U.S. Senate committee hearing headed by Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman (Wellstone’s replacement). Galloway said of Coleman and the Bush administration and its committee: “This group of neo cons is involved in the mother of all smokescreens...I want to turn the tables on this neo con, pro-Israel, pro-war, Republican lynch mob.” He earlier told Reuters that he had "no expectation of justice from a group of Christian fundamentalist and Zionist activists under the chairmanship of a neo con (President) George Bush who is pro-war...I come not as the accused but as the accuser,” he concluded.
audio, video and discussion:
  Galloway on Al-Jazeera calls for Bush, Blair, Koizumi, and Berlusconi to Stand Trial http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=12391&s2=08
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ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS: May 1, 2005 Central Park, NYC  Thousands from across the world rally in to expose nuclear weapons, past and present. Among the speakers and artists are: David Rovics who sings 'Nagasaki' as the camera pans the faces of people who live with memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Representatives of Mayors for Peace, Jennifer Hosterman of Pleasanton, California and Tadadoshi Akida, mayor of Hiroshima call for a world that works for everybody. “Unfortunately,” Mayor Akida observes, “we still live in world still dominated by a handful of barbarians who believe they can make the world better by killing someone.” Soldier/translator Anita Cole describes the dehumanizing process the barbarian’s army took her through in basic training. Bruce Gagnon calls attention to the Prometheus Project, a NASA/DoE/Pentagon project to develop and deploy a nuclear propulsion rocket, and efforts by Rep. Cynthia McKinney et al. to stop it www.space4peace.org. Ex CIA analyst Ray McGovern, noting that the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal called a war of aggression the supreme war crime (committed twice now by the Bush administration), says that the UN remains the most important institution standing up to the neo-con determination to do away with international law. Daniel Ellsberg offers a timely update of the heroic opposition to Israel nuclear arms by Mordecai Vanunu. And Helen Caldicott reminds us: “There is a nuclear war going on right now where they’re using depleted uranium weapons. The incidents of childhood cancers in those areas have gone up 7 times. The half-life or uranium 238 is 4.5 billion years. So America has conducted a nuclear war in the Cradle of Civilization and those people will never recover and are condemned to congenital abnormalities and cancer for the rest of time. Please, American people, rise up.”  29 min. 8.6 meg 56k winmedia file - thanks to NYCIMC
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A SOLDIERS'  PERSPECTIVE: Jason Moon was deployed to Iraq from Mar2003 to Apr2004, he spoke of his experiences and wonders how anyone can come back from war and embrace a compassionate life. "War is an atrocity... the concept of a professional soldier is an oxymoron, you can't expect a human being to do this, to be able to switch on and off your respect for human life." March 16, 2005 - UW Sheboygan WI Theater, sponsored by Sheboygan Veterans for Peace vetsforpeacesheboygan.org and Sheboygan Peaceseekers sheboyganareapeaceseekers.org.
14 min.  - 11 meg quicktime file - thanks to archive.org

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SHOCK AND AWFUL ANNIVERSARY: March 19, 2005, Milwaukee WI - 500 people gathered in the freezing rain at O'Donnell Park Pavilion to join the Global Day of Protest on the 2nd Anniversary of the Iraq War. Organized by Peace Action Wisconsin many people spoke up and described the true cost of the war on Iraq the event ended in a march led by coffin bearers. www.peaceactionwi.org
28 min. 17meg isdn quality winmedia file - thanks to MadisonIMC
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Over 10 thousand people attended Washington DC Counter-Inauguration events opposing the re-inauguration of George W. Bush.  From morning till night people organized to challenge business as usual but were mainly left out of the news of the day.  Almost every state in the nation was represented in protest marches, speeches, chants and signs.  Featured speakers include Aiden Delgado, Father Jean-Juste, David Cobb, Stan Goff and the No Police State Coalition.
28 min. 16meg isdn quality winmedia file - thanks to DCIMC - 54meg quicktime thanks to archive.org
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On the day of the gala Washington, DC swearing-in of Bush and Cheney, many Americans who couldn’t make it to the Capitol to protest, held counter-events across the nation. In Erie, they read the names of the nearly fourteen hundred Americans killed in Iraq in the illegal, immoral war on Iraq, expressing their support for the Iraqi people, over 100,000 of whom have died since the US invasion. The video contains flashbacks to Erie acts of civil disobedience on the eve of the war on Iraq, March 19, 2003 as well as images of a funeral for a Jamestown NY soldier killed in Fallujah, Nov. 2004. Event sponsored by the Erie Peace and Justice Coalition. Narration from Sr. Christine Vladimiroff, Prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Sr. Anne McCarthy, Jason Kotenko, Edinboro University, et al.
14 min. 7.6meg quicktime file - thanks to ROCHESTERIMC
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TORTURE CHARGES FILED VS BUSH: Nov. 30, 2004 Lawyers Against War (LAW) filed charges in B.C. Provincial Court against G. W. Bush under the UN Convention Against Torture (ratified by Canada in 1987 and by the US in 1994). York University professor Michael Mandel (Toronto) speaks at a BUSH GO HOME rally in Ottawa (11/30/04). Canada’s atty. gen. has 8 days to accept or reject the case. www.lawyersagainstthewar.org  7 minutes, 5.4meg quicktime file 4.2meg winmedia file - thanks to Archive.org
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CANADIAN NDP MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT SAY NO TO BUSH: Ottawa, Nov. 30, 2004 - MPs join 15,000 others in protesting Bush’s foreign policies (invasion and occupation of Iraq, etc.). Comments from Jack Layton, NDP head (Toronto); Peter Julian (Burnaby, BC); Ed Broadbent, Ottawa; Charlie Angus (James Bay, Ont.), Alexa McDonough (Winnipeg, Nova Scotia); Bill Siksay (Burnaby-Douglas, BC). 6 min. 3.7meg isdnk winmedia file - thanks to DCIMC - quicktime 4.6megs thanks to ThunderBayIMC
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WAR RESISTERS WELCOME HERE: Brandon Hughey, US Army war resister, escaped to Canada to avoid participating in what the young soldier came to regard as a crime against humanity, the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Brandon spoke to some 15 thousand assembled in Ottawa on Nov. 30, 2004 to protest Bush’s visit to Canada. (transcript of Hughey’s remarks) more on Brandon
5 minutes, 4.1meg quicktime file 3.3meg winmedia file - thanks to Archive.org
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BUSH VISIT PROTEST IN OSHKOSH, WIAir Force One flew into the Oshkosh Air Museum for a Bush campaign fundraiser at two rented hangars at the EAA.  An anti-Bush rally organized by the Oshkosh Peace and Justice Center was held nearby, then the crowd greeted traffic with signs and chants. Oct 15, 2004 18 min. 10 meg winmedia file - thanks to MadisonIMC
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WHEELS OF JUSTICE: Members of Voices in the Wilderness, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, the Middle East Children's Alliance, and affiliates of the International Solidarity Movement take to the road in a colorfully decorated full-size school bus for the Wheels of Justice Tour.  Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh and Michael Birmingham spoke at several events in Sheboygan Wisconsin. This is an excerpt of Mr. Birminghams' talk at the Mead Public Library. Sept 23, 2004  9 min. 6.8 meg Quicktime file - thanks to MadisonIMC
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MILWAUKEE BUSH VISIT DRAWS CROWDS: Over 500 people gathered to protest Bush's visit to Milwaukee on September 3. There were several protest zones, people showed their dissent with chants and signs.  Peace Action, Democrats, Independents, Sierra Club, Billionaires for Bush, and many others crowded the sidewalks near the Bush rally. 9/3/2004
8 min. winmedia file 5 megs - thanks to MadisonIMC
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FOND DU LAC SAYS NO TO GWB  Over 200 protested Bush's policies at a campaign stop with signs, chants and statements. Organized labor, human rights activists, democrats and others greeted Bush. July 14, 2004 Fond du Lac Wisconsin.
13 min. quicktime file 9.7 megs - thanks to MadisonIMC

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Midwest Renewable Energy Fair, Custer, Wisconsin June 19, 2004. Amy Goodman from Democracy Now! www.democracynow.org describes the state of corporate dominated media and the true cost of the oilygarky's policies. First in a series from MREA. Order full-length speeches soon at www.the-mrea.org
31 minutes, quicktime 13.7megs - thanks to IMC
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SCOTT RITTER: GET OUT OF IRAQ! “Iraq is a nation on fire and the fuel that feeds that fire is the presence of American troops. You want to put out the fire, bring our boys and girls home.” A former US marine major and gung-ho weapons inspector in Iraq for seven years, Ritter left UNSCOM in 1998. He became and remains an important voice in exposing the Bush regime’s lies about WMD and its drive to launch the third stage of the US’ protracted , unprovoked, genocidal war on Iraq. (Painted Post High School. Corning, NY April 30, 2004) Event hosted by activist group Peaceful Gatherings. Two parts. (part one: 22 min) quicktime 11.8megs,- thanks to KansasCityIMC - winmedia 8megs, thanks to DCIMC
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KATHY KELLY: PRISON FOR CROSSING THE LINE: Kathy Kelly spoke at Sheboygan Wi. to Sheboygan Peaceseekers about crossing the line at SOA/WHISC, Ft. Benning Georgia, and the treatment she received for questioning the dehumanizing of prisoners.  Sentenced 3 months in federal prison she also talks about the hypocrisy of pre-emptive strikes against terrorism vs. arrests of those who protest terror training camps. jan22 2004, 10 min, quicktime 4.4megs - thanks to ChicagoIMC
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ENOUGH! BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW! -- Buffalo, April 12, 2004 Bidwell Park, the university district. Protesting the continued war on Iraq and the US siege of Fallujah, Loretta Renford possibly represents the consensus of the disparate group when she observes, “We got a president who’s absolutely crazy – and his cabinet, he needs to be impeached and they need to be arrested and they all need to serve jail time.” 7 min, quicktime 1.9megs - thanks to PittsburghIMC
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KEVIN PHILLIPS ON AMERICAN DYNASTY: (...Deceit in the House of Bush) 
Former White House strategist Kevin Phillips has been a political and economic commentator for over 3 decades. He spoke in Berkeley, California in January, 2004. Phillips exposes four generations of criminal activity by the Bush dynasty. Filmed by Magnolia Films - 28 min.
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68 ARRESTED IN DC (3/26/03) Religious, human rights, and peace activists commit non-violent civil disobedience at the White House. "Militarism and war is legalized killing...and it is evil..." -- Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire (1976). "Individuals have international duties which transcend national obligations of obedience. Therefore, individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity..." -- Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Jody Williams1997. Other speakers (and lawbreakers) include Daniel Ellsberg, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton (Detroit, RC), Bishop C. Joseph Sprague (United Methodist, Chicago); Rabbi Arthur Waskow (Shalom Center, Philadelphia), Patricia Clark (Fellowship of Reconciliation), Dave Robinson (Pax Christi).
30  min. - available via windows media 28k connection
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human rights leaders arrested in DC -PART 2 -Civil disobedience, March 26, 2003, Washington, DC Some of the voices of the 68 religious, human rights and peace group leaders arrested: Fr. Roy Bourgeois: We speak for the many who will be killed; we are here to say Not In Our Name...Bishop Gumbleton to the US military: Do not fight, do not do the killing of an unjust war... Dave Robinson to the corporate press: show the pictures of the Iraqi civilians being killed... Daniel Ellsberg: the war is in violation of international law. The government is lying our young people and the Iraqi people to death...
24  min. - available via windows media 28k connection
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TO BE SILENT IS TO BE COMPLICIT WITH EVIL ITSELF (PART3) the arrest of 68 rights leaders March 26, 2003 Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C. Before they are arrested many of the 68 human rights and religious leaders and activists speak and sing, saying non violent civil disobedience is an appropriate and necessary step to stop the US slaughter of the innocents and to stop the continuing war on the poor in the US and worldwide. 16  min. - available via windows media 28k connection
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Protest and forum continues across the US over the ongoing illegal war on Iraq and the Bush regime's usurpation of the federal government. In the town's public square, citizens ask questions, demand an end to nuclear proliferation, end to tax cuts for the rich, and abolition of the Patriot Act... 25 min. 

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END THE SILENCE: Support Sami Al-Arian (Rania Masri, Columbus GA 11/22/03) 
On 2/20/03 Ashcroft's "Justice" Dept., prompted by smear from Clear Channel Communications radio, the PNAC (Project for the New American Century of Imperialism), and the Zionist Lobby, arrested and imprisoned Prof. Sami Al-Arian and Sameeh Hammoudeh ON TRUMPED UP CHARGES CALCULATED TO SILENCE DISSENT. (Nov. 22, '03 interview with Rania Masri, PhD, dir. Southern Peace Research and Education Center) - 7 min.
see also our Sami Al-Arian page
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ASHCROFT IN BUFFALO: Patriot Act = Police State
Barnstorming around the U.S. to sell the PATRIOT Act, Ashcroft spoke only to law enforcement, excluding the public, granting 3-min. interviews only to pre-approved TV reporters. Some 300 demonstrators assembled in Buffalo (Sept. 8, 2003) to object. Here is Ashcroft, compacted, with comments from the public. 11min
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NYC, April 14, 2003  The night before a million people converged on New York City to protest the Bush-Cheney war on Iraq, Stewart ended her remarks at an evening rally with a poem from Bertolt Brecht:  "And I always thought: the very simplest words Must be enough. When I say what things are like Everyone's heart must be torn to shreds. That you'll go down if you don't stand up for yourself.  Surely you see that." 10 minutes, quicktime 4.3 megs - thanks to IMC see also our Lynne Stewart page
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RAGING GRANNIES GREET ASHCROFT IN BUFFALO  9/8/03 Atty Gen John Ashcroft roadshow pushing an expanded Patriot Act spoke only to law enforcement, denied print media access to interviews, and was met by 300 protestors, including the Rochester Raging Grannies. 3 songs. 7.5 minutes. 
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Roger Quindel, a Milwaukee County Supervisor and Vietnam Veteran speaks to the 'Not With My Taxes' tax day gathering sponsored by the Milwaukee Coalition for a Just Peace. April 12 2003. 10min 28k realmedia file. 
  min. 5.3 megs - available via windows media 28k connection
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GET UP, STAND UP, STOP MAD COWBOY DISEASE: Federal Plaza, Chicago, March 20th.  Protestors gather at federal plaza and then take to the streets. Beautiful signs and beautiful people! 
4  min. - available via windows media 28k connection
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“…We pledge to make common cause with the people of the world to bring justice, 
freedom and peace. Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real.”
Washington D.C. March 15, 2003
2  min. - available via windows media 28k connection
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FRAN JOHNS: MOTHER OF A MARINE SERGEANT NOW IN IRAQ: protests for peace Chicago, March 16th, she speaks of the failure of our leadership. A leadership that not only co-opted the White House but will not listen to the people of America or the World. 
3  min. - available via windows media 28k connection
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ANA AMRIKIYAA WA ANA AASIFA: I'm an American, and I'm sorry:Laurel Severns (AFSC, Chicago) traveled in Iraq in late June 2001 with Voices in the Wilderness.  The film’s title is taken from the response of American activists when observing the remains of a soccer field where days before an American or British “smart bomb” killed 22 children and wounded a dozen more: I’m an American and I’m sorry.   Severns’ commentary offers a much-needed primer for opposition to further genocide in Iraq. www.grassrootsvoices.org/contact.html 
17 min. available via realmedia 28k connection  
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STUDS TERKEL March 16, 2003, CHICAGO, DALEY PLAZA: “…Yes to intelligence, yes to humanity, yes to peace! Now!”
5  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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As one of 6,746 such vigils, in 140 countries, -- called by Bishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Robert Edgar – 75 Fredonia and Dunkirk residents call for peace, not war.
5  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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FORGETTING FACTS / REMEMBERING MYTHS: Historians Against the War, HAW organizer and history prof Andor Skotnes (Sage College, Troy NY), notes the use of history in legitimizing power. Facts fade, but myths of democracy and the notion of an innocent America are continually reinforced. Learning history is crucial for challenging power, challenging lies. NYC 2/15/03  
3  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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HISTORIANS AGAINST WAR: Feb. 15, 2003 pre-march rally, NYC. David
Serlin, history prof at Bard Early College and HAW organizer, answers the question: why are there (seemingly) so few historians against the war? The answer, Serlin explains, has to do with the sin of "presentism" -- which is applying professionally lessons from history to understand the present. Historians busy themselves with the past, dontcha know? HAW challenges the group think.
3  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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WALK OUT FOR PEACE: Jamestown, New York High School, March 5, 2003
Jamestown High School students walked out to join the weekly peace march through town, chanting "Books Not Bombs," Bring Our Troops Home," "Students say: Let the UN work" and Jamestown says no to Bush War." Vivian Conover, SUNY prof, adds "there are limited resources. If money goes to war and destruction, it can't go to education. This war will be used to cut school funding." 

6  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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PEACE WALK: Fredonia, New York: Feb. 23,'03 On a snowy Sunday, nearly a hundred assembled in the village square to oppose war. Some of the voices: Rev. Rodney Houck: This is a part of the worldwide expression of people opposed to war. Minda Rae Amiran: A war on Iraq is immoral in so many ways, I can't count them. Jim O'Rourke: We don't want this war, Mr. Bush. Cut it out! Emily Workman: I see the US taking an imperialist, bullying stance. I want to see that stopped. www.FS4peace.com 
9  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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HONK FOR PRE-EMPTIVE PEACE: JAMESTOWN, NY Feb. 19, 2003 Some voices of dissent from southwestern New York: Chuck Brininger: “We should stand down. We’ve got to bring our soldiers home. It’s what’s patriotic; what’s right for humanity.” Ada Ramsey: “I don’t believe in going in and killing people.” Clyde Burroughs: “American cannot push its way of life down other people’s throats forever.” Steven Polasko: “The Pope says it’s an unjust war and it will be against civilization.” David Leitch: “Oil is not the only reason. Iraq is an important strategic location for them. It’s part of a decade-old plan [Wolfowitz, Pearle et al.] for global hegemony, reconfiguring the Middle East…This poses a problem we’re going to have to deal with for a long time.” James E. Miller: “This is doomed to horrible failure – sending young boys and girls to die for what? I don’t know.” 
9 min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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John McMurtry (bio) A crucial fact has been repressed about the “Iraq crisis”. No mainstream medium reports that the Bush-government plans to attack Iraq already constitute a war crime under international law. “Planning, preparation and initiation of a war of aggression” is prohibited by the Nuremberg Charter, the basis of instituted international law after the defeat and trial of the leaders of the last major imperial aggressor, Nazi Germany. (more)
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HEY JUDGE, THAT'S YOUR JOB:  Lynne Stewart (NYC Feb. 14, 2003) Federal Judge Barbara Jones capitulated to New York City police demands that no permit be issued for the Feb. 15 march planned many weeks in advance.  The judge, notes peace movement attorney Lynne Stewart, said she would "not second-guess the police." Such abdication by the third branch of government is a judicial stamp of approval for a police state, Stewart says.  see also our Lynne Stewart page
9  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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In an attempt to frighten attorneys from defending individuals targeted by the Justice Dept., Ashcroft - under the Patriot Act, indicted Atty. Stewart on April 9. She faces 40 years in prison. For more info: www.lynnestewart.org 
Confronting Empire: Arundhati Roy (Jan. 28, 2003 Porto Alegre): http://website.lineone.net/~jon.simmons/roy/confemp2.htm 
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Ashcroft has singled out defense attorney Lynne Stewart as the leader of the opposition to the destruction of the Constitution. "That is also on their agenda. The ‘Unpatriot Act’ is their vehicle. The White House would like it if you are an activist and you need a lawyer, there will be no lawyers to call. I am here to defend the right to defend." Oct. 26, ’02 D.C. peace rally.  www.lynnestewart.org 
6 min. - available via realmedia 28k connection 
see also our Lynne Stewart page
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PAX CHRISTI: How do you do, my good friends?
Beatrice Parwatikar, Pax Christi USA, calls for "redemptive non-violence" in response to US war on Iraq, and sings a liberty-bound slave song: "...we have come to change this nation...because we must save this nation..."
5 min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
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SUSAN SARANDON: We Are Here to Take Democracy Back
October 26, Washington DC, spoke before a crowd of 200,000: "I am here as a mother who is frightened for my children.... for your children.... for the children of Iraq...We are here to take democracy back."
9 min. - available via realmedia 56k connection 
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SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES Erie, PA protest rally. Oct 7, 2002 . No War on Iraq / No to one-man rule in America . Thoughts from a prioress, a preacher, priests, Moslems and Jews, steelworkers, teachers, students, Green Party activists - people from Erie: "Debate and negotiate, it's a war for financial profit, a crime against humanity, a violation of the Constitution, no way to morally justify it, the Bush strategy is a bandwagon of death.” www.geocities.com/eriegreenparty/ | Pax Christi
12 min. - available via realmedia 28k connection
San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center

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SUPPORT PROF. SAMI AL-ARIAN: A COUNTRY RUN BY CRIMINALS will ignore international law and silence, if it can, those who oppose its crimes; it will silence, if it can, those who expose its crimes; this is what has happened with the indictment (1/20/03) of Prof. Sami Al-Arian, who calls for peace and international cooperation as opposed to perpetual war. Interview with Prof. Al-Arian, Wash. DC Oct. 26, 2002.  see also our Sami Al-Arian page
9  min. - available via realmedia 28k connection

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WAR MONGERS - BIG LIARS  ABC News (Thanksgiving Day, 2003) allotted a couple of minutes to 2 "precious truths". 1): VP Bush in '86 secretly coerced Egypt & Jordan to induce Hussein to air-attack Iran in order to sell more US arms to Iran 2) Rumsfeld quotes (Sept. 2001) Churchill's improvement on Goebbels' BIG LIE strategem. - 3 min.
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IRAQIS LOVE THEIR CHILDREN TOO Buffalo, NY October 6, 2002 Peace activists say no to Bush Jr.’s demand for dictatorial powers to wage war on Iraq, Echoing the views of many present, Rep. John La Falce (D-Tonawanda) said: “I would not want to delegate this much responsibility [to wage war, in perpetuity] to any president, much less this president…” 
   The monstrous crimes against the Iraqi people began with Desert Storm and continued with sanctions and bombing.  
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The Nazis tried to destroy the evidence of such crimes at the end of the war. Bush Jr. is about to cover up his father’s crimes by committing more. www.wnypeace.org
10 min. available via realmedia 28k connection 
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NO WAR ON IRAQ: Detroit, Michigan  9/9/2002 
Activists from 23-area peace groups and others show their opposition to war when Bush came to town. Among the voices: Mary Johnston: "George W. Bush is about to ignite a firestorm in the Middle East from which there will be no returning. We will have death and destruction and bloody ruins everywhere...this is criminal...a crime against humanity. This is a crime that should go to the international criminal court."
17 min available via realmedia 56k connection  
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Annually, the World Bank and the IMF meet on behalf of a corporate elite to induce or force summonsed representatives of governments to surrender the public commons in the name of capital's "freedom" to market access.  The con game (also called the cancer stage of capitalism), is criminal and deadly, and goes by the names of privatization, de-regulation, and militarization.  The collateral damage in this highly profitable US government-sanctioned corporate rape, pillage and murder is the world's population and the planet.  This short film is dedicated to those in opposition, and especially those presente in Washington, D.C., April 18-22 2002 -links-
11 minutes - available via realmedia 28.8k connection
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WALL OF SHAME: QUEBEC CITY protests for fair trade, not free trade. Five months before Sept. 11, those dedicated to “free trade” (privatizing the commons) at the FTAA meeting hosted by Chretien, felt it necessary to protect itself with a 3-mile wall around Old Quebec and 6,000 police from 60,000 who gathered to protest corporate exploitation, failed programs, and criminal policies. Over 3000 delegates attended the 2nd Intl Peoples Summit (April, 2001 Quebec City), now held in Porto Allegre, Brazil. 
12 minutes - available via realmedia 28.8k connection
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Hour length version on VHS, for $15.
send us an email to request a copy.

updated june 2008